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N32KP — - Screamin Sasquatch taxiing out for a performance at RI Air Show 2016
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N32KP —


Screamin Sasquatch taxiing out for a performance at RI Air Show 2016


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Dave SheehyPhoto Uploader
Info obtained from the EAA web at; http://eaavintage.org/the-screamin-sasquatch

This airplane was a classic 1929 Waco Taperwing, which was the plane of choice for barnstormers in the 1930’s and 1940’s.
Beyond the obvious aspect of adding a jet engine, The Screamin’ Sasquatch is highly modified in many ways. Every control surface has been specifically engineered for the unique aerodynamic forces encountered during high-speed flight. Portions of the aircraft’s structure have been converted from wood and fabric, to carbon fiber. The cockpit has been moved 3 feet aft, in order to accommodate fuel tanks for both 100LL and Jet A fuel. The cockpit is extremely modern and incorporates the MGL Avionics Stratomaster Odyssey touch screen system, which integrates all of the engine monitoring of both powerplants and the aircraft’s avionics systems – essentially combining a couple of dozen gauges into one screen.
The Screamin’ Sasquatch, Jack Link’s Jet Waco is powered by dual powerplants: a Pratt & Whitney 985 Radial Engine and a General Electric CJ610 (J85) Jet Engine with 3,000lbs of thrust.
That's a cool airplane and a great shot, Dave!
Roy Hunte
Awesome shot Dave.
Would love to see and hear it for myself!
Mark See
Awesome shot Dave!
Dave SheehyPhoto Uploader
Thanks guys,this was my first time seeing this beast, and it is worth the trip. The takeoff is an amazing sight and it also hovers! :)
Outstanding shot, Dave! Unique catch!
Dave, I've seen him perform at the RAR and the show is beyond fantastic! And this click is worth way more than the max of 5. Super Superb Snap, my friend. *****
Dave SheehyPhoto Uploader
Gary and Dwight TYVM for the feedback. I appreciate it!
He puts on one helluva show! Saw him at Reno a couple years ago.
S_U_P_E_R photo
Dave SheehyPhoto Uploader
Greetings Mathias! Thank you for the feedback.
What a beautiful thing to see
a mentor
@Dave; Nice writeup :-) I too have seen his show and it sure is different!
jesse kyzer
I LOVE this! Awesome photo Dave, and great information provided
Dave SheehyPhoto Uploader
TYVM again for all the comments on this photo. :)
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