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Lockheed C-130 Hercules (16-5810) - USMC Lockheed Martin KC-130J Super Hercules (165810) callsign OTIS09 of VMGR-252 overflies Chapel Hill, NC on 08/13/2021 at 5:37 pm, passing across the face of the Moon while flying at 14,000'.  It ended up going to KINT for some touch and go work.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

Lockheed C-130 Hercules (16-5810)


USMC Lockheed Martin KC-130J Super Hercules (165810) callsign OTIS09 of VMGR-252 overflies Chapel Hill, NC on 08/13/2021 at 5:37 pm, passing across the face of the Moon while flying at 14,000'. It ended up going to KINT for some touch and go work.


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James Wisely
Nice timing & photo.
NighthawkCPPhoto Uploader
James, wish I could take credit but it was total luck. I only photographed it because it is showing on ADSBX and FR24 as a KC-135. I went out to photograph it and prove it was a KC-130J instead.
James Wisely
Chris, luck tends to favor the prepared. What was the focal length used, in 35mm terms?
great photo!
Super photo! Congratulations.
Congrats for this stunning shot!
Robert Bryan
Total luck or not (yes, James Wisely - luck favors the prepared), that is a beautiful shot! Congrats!!
The nice timing!
It is a beautiful & cool!
Clean and nice.
Luc Barbier
As unique as a total solar eclipse... ??
Robin Rebhan
Nice! Timing is everything!
Pablo Rogina
It looks like the C130 has a "power shield"
Amazing how often luck (timing) come into play in photography. That said, you still deserve a great deal of credit for taking the initiative to be in a position to get a good shot, and of course, for doing such a good job with the photo shot itself. What a beautiful photo!
A worthy addition to my collection of airplanes and the Moon. Thanks.
Thank you for taking the initiative to capture such a gorgeous photograph!
Spectacular picture! Thanks.
"Fly me to the moon . . . " Great shot!
ken kemper
Think my favorite pic this week.

You could not have improved upon this pic.

10 stars and should be in a magazine.
Where Luck and Preparation coincide. Great shot.
Truly an exceptional image.
Ken Fedder
What a heavenly picture, Chris. God bless America.
NighthawkCPPhoto Uploader
For those asking, this was shot with a Nikon D500 and a Sigma 150-600mm Sport lens, so it was at a 900mm zoom with the DX crop. I cropped the shot slightly to make it 16x9 for my desktop wallpaper, so it is probably a 1000mm zoom in actuality.
Too Cool. Awesome Photo.
James Wisely
Chris, Thank you for taking the time to post the photo information. As an amateur
photographer it's always interesting to see how a photo was shot.
At 900mm equivalent and 14,000 ft. you must have a steady hand, even with OS/IS ! Great work, keep it up.
Surreal.... Fantastic image..
Tony Stone
That’s a great photo
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