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North American Super Sabre (N2011V) - Taking off on runway 14
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North American Super Sabre (N2011V)


Taking off on runway 14


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a mentor
Wikipedia says:
Fokker 100 is a medium-sized aircraft developed and manufactured by the Fokker company. Introduced in the 1980s, the aircraft has low operational costs and no competition and was a best-seller in the 100 seat category.

This appears to be the North American Super Sabre F-100
Killer Shot's up there in FWA Jack.
The F-100F Super Saber was only built by North American Aviation. This is not Fokker built nor a Fokker design.
Nice shot, but it is a North American Aviation F-100F.
Beautiful Shot!
F-100, a real workhorse during the Vietnam era. Tuy Hoa AB, RVN was home to five (5) squadrons of "Huns"; three (3) regular Air Force, two (2) Air National Guard (NY & NM).
Wow, great shot! When I was a kid, the Super Sabre was one of my favourites.
ken kemper

Beautiful Photo / Can't wait to see N2011V at Oshkosh this summer.
Robin Rebhan
As a kid, I remember them flying out of KSCH. The Super Sabre was not stationed there at KSCH that I know of. I'm guessing they came from somewhere else unknown to me. They did have the F-86's at KSCH. When the 100's kicked in the after-burner on take off my mom would be angry because all the dishes in the China closet would rattle, and pictures on the wall would shake and windows rattled. BUT! TO ME IT WAS REALLY "SUPER" COOL!! If I recall right this would have been around 1958+- or so. As kids we often would go to the end of runway 22 and the fence allowed us to get close enough to wave at the pilots waiting for take off clearance, sometimes we would get a hand wave in return. And on the departure end of runway 4, what a blast on take-off, Just plain awesome! They did use a lot of runway on take-off. Thanks for the Shot, it brings back a lot of memories!
Amazing, beautiful airplane.
Looks like it's 1957 all over again

Great shot!
Lee Richey
I remember living on base housing (Wherry Housing I believe) at Nellis AFB Las Vegas in the mid 1950's when they started flying these F100 jets. At the time, I was 9 or 10 years old but enjoyed the great air shows at that base. At several air shows this is what the Thunderbirds flew. Great shot of a great fighter jet!
Stationed at England AFB (a TAC Base), Alexandria, LA and had four squadrons of the F-100 in the early 60's. Was a great aircraft.
M Bodkin
Although I'm prior Navy and not really an authority on USAF 'birds', might this be a TF-100? Curious because of the second seat.

(I CAN recognize this is NOT a Fokker!)
Robin Rebhan
Flight Aware has this as a; Registration is for 1958 NORTH AMERICAN F-100F. P&W J57 engine.
If the owner needs a passenger, I'll gladly do my duty and volunteer! <sigh>
Grat shot, Jack! Here is more info from Joe Baugher's website:

North American F-100F-15-NA Super Sabre, 56-3948 (MSN 243-224) to Turkish AF as 56-3948, code 3-948 Aug 26, 1974. Returned to USA Aug 1989. Registered N2011V to Tracor Flight Systems Jul 1989 Now flying under private ownership, registered to American Horizons Ltd of Ft. Wayne, IN as N2011V.
I flew back seat of FAC Bird dog in Vietnam. To look out the rear window and see an F-100 approaching with the front end "lit" up with 20mm and observing the ground beside us just being torn up while going full AB as they passed and climbed out was just awesome. Beautiful fighter, front intake most memorable.
I remember the late 50s early 60s living in Cincinnati hearing and feeling the booms and running outside at night just to catch sight of the afterburners of a flight of F-100s already through the sound barrier out of Wright-Pat.
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