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Boeing C-135B Stratolifter (AFR600381) - Air Refueling Demo amidst the towering cumulus clouds at Oshkosh AirVenture 2023. Courtesy of 97th Air Mobility Command from Altus AFB OK. KC-135 refueling of C-17 Globemaster 3
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Boeing C-135B Stratolifter (AFR600381)


Air Refueling Demo amidst the towering cumulus clouds at Oshkosh AirVenture 2023. Courtesy of 97th Air Mobility Command from Altus AFB OK. KC-135 refueling of C-17 Globemaster 3


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Going up for a drink!
Frank Austin
I may be wrong, but I thought it was KC-135s that did the refueling. And, I cannot tell whether it is a C17 or C5 being fueled. I would think a C17.
Robin Rebhan
The C-5 is so much bigger it gives the illusion that it is much closer and lower than it really is.
It's a C17 - it's got winglets
@Frank Austin, my money would be on C-17. Cockpit is much much smaller compared to the rest of the airframe on a C5 because the C5 is so enormous. Even from that angle there is just so much more plane visible with a C5 lol
Mssrs. Austin, Taub, and Freeman are absolutely correct on the lower aircraft being the C-17A Globemaster III! I have been with the McDonnell Douglas/Boeing program since 1987.
Será necessário uns 4 para reabastecer este mostro ! KKKK
Mr. Austin you are correct, it is the KC-135s that do the refueling. And yes, absolutely a C-17 in the lower position, while still impressive to see, it doesn't hold a candle to the size of the C-5.
Ryan Basile
Great shot!
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