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VOUGHT-SIKORSKY V-166 Corsair (N713JT) - Decided to post a few more Corsair pics from AirVenture given the positive feedback that I received. Jim Tobul at controls per that feedback who honors his father....a Korean War Corsair Pilot.
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VOUGHT-SIKORSKY V-166 Corsair (N713JT)


Decided to post a few more Corsair pics from AirVenture given the positive feedback that I received. Jim Tobul at controls per that feedback who honors his father....a Korean War Corsair Pilot.


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Robin Rebhan
Nice Photo! Jim Tobul honors his father well!
David Powell
I flew the A7 Corsair for a brief period of time. Loved it.
ken kemperPhoto Uploader
Robin & Dave....appreciate the comments.

Dave, thank you for your service. The Corsair 2 was an awesome attack aircraft. I spent countless hours at Hardwood Range in WI watching the A-7's from Des Moines IA, Sioux Falls SD & even Toledo OH in the late 80's & early 90's put on a great show strafing and dropping practice bombs at the range targets. Civilian viewing was at the range tower complete with baseball field type bleachers for your comfort.
a mentor
this of course is the F2G from Goodyear with the big 4360 power plant.

the A7 Corsair 2 is quite different; see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LTV_A-7_Corsair_II
F4U-4 Corsair, Bureau #: 97143, Construction #: 9297.
Delivered to U.S. Navy as Bu. 81415, 19??.
Registered as N96042 by ??, 1977.
Charles T. Unkle, Homestead, FL, 1984.
Joseph & James Tobul, Pittsburgh, PA, Feb. 13 1985-2006.
- Restored to airworthy, Wexford, PA, 1985-1991 - Registered as N713JT.
- First flight December 8, 1991.
- Damaged in wheels up landing after aborted take-off, Allendale, SC, April 1993.
- Repaired, first flight December 1997.
- Flew as USN/97143/JT/416.
- Flew as Korean War Hero, 2002.
- Crashed and destroyed in fatal accident during airshow, Columbia, SC, November 10, 2002.
-- Joe Tobul was fatally injured in the crash.
- See NTSB report below.
James Tobul, Pittsburgh, PA, April 2006-2014.
- Rebuilt to Airworthy.
- Flown as Korean War Hero.
활동 로그
1998년까지 거슬러 가는 N713JT에 대한 완전한 이력 검색을 원하십니까? 지금 구매하세요. 1시간 이내에 구하십시오.
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2025년 3월 10일 UnknownPrescott Rgnl/Ernest a Love Fld ()Bakersfield, CA 근처 13:42 MST Last seen 15:13 PDT 1:30
2025년 3월 10일 UnknownLas Vegas, NM 근처Prescott Rgnl/Ernest a Love Fld () First seen 10:57 MDT Last seen 11:35 MST 1:38
2025년 3월 10일 UnknownColorado Sprgs Muni ()Pueblo, CO 근처 10:03 MDT Last seen 10:15 MDT 0:12
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