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VOUGHT-SIKORSKY V-166 Corsair (N451FG) - Commemorative Air Force at Cincinnati Lunken Field Labor Day Weekend 2015
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VOUGHT-SIKORSKY V-166 Corsair (N451FG)


Commemorative Air Force at Cincinnati Lunken Field Labor Day Weekend 2015


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serge LOTH
One of the most attractive and well known aircraft ever built.. Thanks Gregg Boyington!!
Finest bird in the sky! What's up with the wheel chocks on the machine guns? I guess he's just taxiing. ?
Outstanding Daily Newsletter warbird!
sam kuminecz
John Kulha
Absolutely outstanding!!!!! Design perfection!!!
bill Hanley
Not being near as knowledgeable as most are on this sight I hope someone can answer a question for me. What are those vents on the wings up near the fuselage? If they are actually vents. Thanks,,,,,
sam kuminecz
Bill Hanley...I believe their oil coolers...don't quote me...that's where the name whistling death comes form...air passim thru the vent sat high speed
David, I was just going to ask that same question.
bill Hanley
Ahhhh,,,,, yes. Oil coolers make sense. Thanks for the heads up.
Jim Newton
The vaunted "Whistling Death" which the Japanese had reason to fear.
sam kuminecz
Ken Kemper...try the IACO code CORS for type
Jim Newton
I thought the Corsair had six .50 in the wings; I must be mistaken.
Beautiful! I hope it's just being moved.
sam kuminecz
Jim Newton....depends on the variant...the F4U-4 -5 -7 and the Goodyear built variants were all slightly different
Some variants had four 20mm cannon in place of the six .50 machine guns
Whistling Death was a name the Japanese also had for the RAAF Bristol Beaufighter for the same reason - not much noise to warn of its approach except for the air 'whistling' through the oil cooler intakes.
This is a great photo
활동 로그
1998년까지 거슬러 가는 N451FG에 대한 완전한 이력 검색을 원하십니까? 지금 구매하세요. 1시간 이내에 구하십시오.
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