36 투표수 (4.78 평균) 및 6,880 조회수  

Lockheed F-22 Raptor — - First Fighter Wing F-22 Langley AFB VA participating in Volk Field's major Air-to-Air Combat Exercise - Operation Northern Lightning 2
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

Lockheed F-22 Raptor —


First Fighter Wing F-22 Langley AFB VA participating in Volk Field's major Air-to-Air Combat Exercise - Operation Northern Lightning 2


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Beautiful shot! How far we've come . . .
john cook
What a pretty bird.
Awesome plane and a terrific photo!
A "Five Star" photo series of military metal, Ken. Primo posts. TY very much for giving us these glimpses via your excellent clicks. (tip of my cap ....)
ken kemperPhoto Uploader
Thank you all for kind comments...........

Volk Field is about 100 miles from my home of Appleton, WI - when they have their big exercises twice a year it usually worth the drive over.


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