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Lockheed C-130 Hercules (08-3175) - The home town logistics team demonstrating their ability to accurately drop supplies to combat troops at the 2018 Dyess Big Country Air & Space Expo (please view in "Full" for best image quality)
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

Lockheed C-130 Hercules (08-3175)


The home town logistics team demonstrating their ability to accurately drop supplies to combat troops at the 2018 Dyess Big Country Air & Space Expo (please view in "Full" for best image quality)


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Leon Kay
Great photo. Thank you for the informative comment.
belle photo.
Jim Smirh
Nice catch! Is this a "J" model? Looks a bit stretched from the "E" that I flew. Nor did we have those 'fancy' props!

I actually left this great TAC aircraft when MAC was about to add them to their fleet mix. I knew that MAC wouldn't know what to do with a 'prop' aircraft in their "All-Jet" fleet!! ;+) LOL
Jim Smirh - Yes, this Herky Bird is a "J" model according to Joe Baugher's published information. I'm more familiar with the "E" models too.

Thank you for your service to our country!!!
Garrett HellerPhoto Uploader
Hi Jim thank you for your service! Yessir this is the J model, if I’m not mistaken the Air wing at Dyess is a exclusively J’s. Thank you to everyone else for the kind comments, glad y’all enjoy the photo!
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