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— — - FOB Salerno, Afghanistan 2011
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FOB Salerno, Afghanistan 2011


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Alan Brown
Almost looks like a WW II barrage balloon.
Aerostat unmanned observation balloon.
Looks like a constipated jet !
thomas hess
PTDS blimp. Those were a familiar sight for me in Afghanistan. I have video of one just after it was struck by lightning coming down. It landed outside the base into a local village. Damn thing was torn apart to nearly nothing by the time QRF arrived. For weeks, we had to bribe the locals with ridiculous payouts to get some of the equipment back. Good times...
Seen over Florida's Lower Keys. One aerostat's cable was struck by a Cessna in 2007. :(

Interesting stories (Some get shot down, some struck by lightning, some take a 160-mile journey!)about how they get loose!
looks like a large whale swimming away into the sky
U.S.Army's first recon balloons were used in the Civil War, spring of 1862. Of course they looked nothing like this...
See www.civilwar.org/learn/articles/civil-war-ballooning -for the curious-


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