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Boeing 737-800 (D-ABKT) - eastern (ex air berlin) b737-8 d-abkt soon to be (n279ea) dep shannon for munich after being painted by eirtech aviation shannon 27/1/16.
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Boeing 737-800 (D-ABKT)


eastern (ex air berlin) b737-8 d-abkt soon to be (n279ea) dep shannon for munich after being painted by eirtech aviation shannon 27/1/16.


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Dennis Moon
Always liked Eastern Airline's paint scheme.
The 737 looks great in the Eastern scheme. Never thought I'd see the day of no Pan Am, Eastern, TWA, Braniff etc...
sam kuminecz
Paul, Northeast airlines is back in business...youll see yellowbirds soon
Interesting.........a defunct U.S. airline with an American flag on the fuselage, and German registry landing in Ireland
brian delves
kind of has a retro look
Ryan Hodges
I really hope EA does well. Never say never, TWA or PanAm may return some day.
Nice throw back.Loved Easterns prop planes back in the day.Paul Campagna, Those were the good old days. No TSA, your family could walk down to the gates with you, such memeories.
활동 로그
1998년까지 거슬러 가는 D-ABKT에 대한 완전한 이력 검색을 원하십니까? 지금 구매하세요. 1시간 이내에 구하십시오.
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