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Cessna Skylane (N212CC) - Fishing on Stafford Lake B.C.
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Cessna Skylane (N212CC)


Fishing on Stafford Lake B.C.


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ken kemper

You lucky guy..Hope the fishing was as good as this pic.
Could the lake be more glassy-smooth? I so want to be there. BC is God's country.
BC's coastal mountains + fishing on a remote late + float plane to get there = hard to get much better than this. What a great photo!
Jeff Kitchen
Correction on the location. I believe this is ACTUALLY Heaven. lol
All of my friends here share one thing in common... and I believe that is in recognizing the beauty of this setting. It isn't about who knows more about whatever model of airplane sits on the shore of the glassy lake in God's Country in British Columbia .. but moreover, it is the peace and quiet this gives you knowing that, if it were you, you had dropped in on a remote lake where the only thing that you share when you dropped your line into the tranquil water is how nothing else matters except the happiness of who you are with and the joy of pulling in a perfectly rainbowed trout and some glorious laughter to share that moment! I too wish I was there! Thank you, Charles!
Tough Life!
George Pepe
Very peaceful. I might use this as my Home Screen
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