6 투표수 (4.83 평균) 및 866 조회수  

N9VY — - The pilot of "Screaming Mimi" operates with masterful precision as he lifts new HVAC equipment onto the roof of the Bluebonnet Elementary School in Flower Mound, Texas. This 1962 S-58T has a famous past, having been the star of the 1980s American detective TV series "Riptide." What an incredible treat to see it still being operated 60 years after it was delivered to the US Navy!
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

N9VY —


The pilot of "Screaming Mimi" operates with masterful precision as he lifts new HVAC equipment onto the roof of the Bluebonnet Elementary School in Flower Mound, Texas. This 1962 S-58T has a famous past, having been the star of the 1980s American detective TV series "Riptide." What an incredible treat to see it still being operated 60 years after it was delivered to the US Navy!


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