53 투표수 (4.77 평균) 및 10,330 조회수  

58-0098 — - The new color bird of the 101st Air Refueling Wing, Maine Air National Guard, rests at the Fort Worth Alliance Airport. As it's the 101st ARWs 75th anniversary next year, they honored their heritage by reflecting the tail art that used to adorn their F-101 Voodoos around 50 years ago.
/images/icons/csMagGlass.png 중형 / 대형 / 전체

58-0098 —


The new color bird of the 101st Air Refueling Wing, Maine Air National Guard, rests at the Fort Worth Alliance Airport. As it's the 101st ARWs 75th anniversary next year, they honored their heritage by reflecting the tail art that used to adorn their F-101 Voodoos around 50 years ago.


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The red one is an Osprey GP-4.
Diana Rose
First thought, red plane a RC toy.
a mentor
had the same thought -- the size difference just forces those thoughts :-)
What a great perspective. Excellent shot.
Cris Atkin
And if you are good, eat all your AvGas, and go right to the approach with no holds, one day you can grow up to be just like him.
Exactly Cris and better eat all your vegetables if you want to be HEALTHY!
Nice shot, I didn't realize Alliance had military traffic.
David Ingram
Nice shot. It is rare to see the C portion of the KC-135 being utilized.
I worked on the KC-135 FROM 1966-69. That photo brings back a lot of memories. KI Sawyer AFB Michigan and U-Tapao Airfield Thailand.
The red one is not an 'Osprey', but it is a GP-4 from the same designer as the Osprey - George Periera. It's a very fast, all-wood homebuilt. Pretty rare, only a handful flying that I'm aware of.
ph gero
N814 LN is an Eurocopter EC135 P2+
That is N814LM.. And yeah, I totally thought it was RC or a Drone with that perspective.
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