Corporate Aircraft
4885 E. Shields Ave.
Fresno, CA 93726 (Google Maps)
PLEASE CALL FOR ALL PRICING! Jet-A Volume Discount's Available. We offer an extensive selection of services, which includes: Departure Lounge, Flight Planning Area, Free Coffee and Ice, Free GPU and Executive Conference Room, Well-Appointed Pilot and Passenger Lounges, Hotel and Rental Car Reservations, and Catering or Courtesy Transportation arrangements. Open 7 days a week 06:00-22:00. After hours Call Out may be available, after hour fees would apply and 24 hour notice prior to arrival would be required
귀하가 소유하지 않거나 워터마크가 있는 사진을 업로드하지 마십시오. 이러한 사진은 삭제됩니다.
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