Team Tango is dedicated to producing high quality, fast-build composite kits for the Tango 2 (two seat) and Foxtrot 4 (four seat) aircraft. We are located on the Williston airport (X60), Williston, Florida in our own customized hanger and build center. We produce our own molds, tooling, and parts. This allows direct quality control and immediate correction of any problems. Our parts and systems have withstood the test of time.
We produce kits that the average builder can assemble in minimum time. To that end we have an ongoing program of improving the fit and finish of parts to reduce weight and post assembly body work and prep time. For example, our new wing skin molds and improved lay-up techniques on other parts have produced an approximate 50 pound weight savings and an approximate 85 hour time savings on airframe construction. But we aren't going to stop there - each kit built gives us new ideas to save you, the builder, even more weight and time.
If you would like to visit the office or the build center, please call or email in advance and make an appointment. That way we can make your visit more productive. Our regular hours are always 9-5 EST, Monday through Friday, and there is typically somebody to answer the phone, earlier, later, and on Saturday.
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