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New FlightAware iOS Widgets By FlightAware

FlightAware is excited to introduce our latest iOS widget update — your gateway to instantaneous ADS-B receiver metrics directly from your home screen. What is a widget? Mobile widgets offer users a convenient way to access important information and perform common tasks directly from their device's home screen, enhancing efficiency and usability in mobile interactions. FlightAware now has two new widgets to keep you up-to-date on your ADS-B positions and receiver status Positions Reported… (blog.flightaware.com) 기타...

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Miami’s Six Hour Immigration Line Disaster

Clearing immigration at Miami International Airport is usually not bad, but more and more instances have popped up where immigration line wait times are stretching beyond the two hour mark. (www.gatechecked.com) 기타...

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US lawmakers strike deal to boost aviation safety, will not raise pilot retirement age

WASHINGTON, April 29 (Reuters) - U.S. House and Senate negotiators said early Monday they had reached a deal to boost air traffic controller staffing and boost funding to avert runway close-call incidents, but will not increase the airline pilot retirement age to 67 from 65. The U.S. House of Representatives in July voted 351-69 on a sweeping bill to reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) that would also raise the mandatory pilot retirement age to 67 but the Senate Commerce… (www.reuters.com) 기타...

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5 problems facing hydrogen-powered airplanes

BRUSSELS — The best way to cut greenhouse gas emissions from flying is to fly less — but that's a non-starter for the industry and millions of passengers. Instead, the sector is hunting for a tech fix that would allow airplanes to keep flying while polluting less — and one idea is to use hydrogen. But there are big questions over whether this is a workable solution. Here are five challenges facing hydrogen-powered aviation. 1. Sourcing clean hydrogen won't be easy Hydrogen can be very… (www.politico.eu) 기타...

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Marine unit found metal shavings in F-35 fuel, plastic tool in wing

Metal shavings in contaminated fuel, incorrectly assembled parts, and a plastic scraper protruding from a wing fold were among the faults discovered in five new F-35C Joint Strike Fighters delivered to a U.S. Marine Corps fighter squadron in California in 2023, according to a memo obtained by Defense News. (www.defensenews.com) 기타...

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Finnair Suspends Route Due to GPS Interference Concerns

GPS "spoofing" continues to be a concern for airlines operating in certain regions. (airlinegeeks.com) 기타...

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Military jet crashes near Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico

An F-16 military jet crashed near Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico on Tuesday afternoon, a U.S. official confirmed to Fox News. According to the official, the pilot of the plane was able to eject from the aircraft before it went down. (www.foxnews.com) 기타...


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