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Horrifying Video Shows the Crash of a 168-Passenger Caspian Airlines Flight in 1999

There are no words to describe the horror in this video, which shows the crash of a Caspian Airlines airliner with 168 people on board. The crash happened on July 15, 2009, but this is the first time the video has been published. The aircraft was a Tupolev Tu-154M flying from Tehran, Iran, to Yerevan, Armenia. The accident happened at 11:33AM local time, 16 minutes before the crash. One of the engines caught fire just before the plane fell down uncontrollably, destroying a large area on the… ( 기타...

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toolguy105 0
The tail section looks to be missing from the falling plane. Anyone know what caused the the tail to separate from the plane?
Actually the result of a midair collision with an F-5.

Yup, reporting at its finest o.0
Ron S 0
Could that have been from turbulance from the c130? May god bless all those whom passed and there family
My God bless all of the passengers on board the airplane...
Joe Raio 0
Big time. Still a crazy video either way.
Dubslow 0
Fail by gizmodo
jkabradley 0
Gizmodo updated their article. This is a crash of an Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force IL-76MD.


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