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Nuclear experts killed in Russia plane crash helped design Iran facility

The five nuclear experts killed in a plane crash in northern Russia earlier this week had assisted in the design of an Iranian atomic facility, security sources in Russia said on Thursday. The five Russian experts were among the 44 passengers killed when the Tupolev-134 plane broke up and caught fire on landing outside the northern city of Petrozavodsk on Monday. = ( 기타...

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You got to wonder.
I'm not a conspiracy theory guy but can anyone say Mosaad? Just sayin. Don't ever put something like this aside when it comes too the Mosaad, more power to who wants to Israel! As far as pilots thinking goes, think outside the box. Russian pilots fly in junk all the time if you watch their weather patterns. They know what they are doing. The Mossad wants you to think it was pilot error. Israel will punish who wants to harm them. If you had missiles pointed at you from the north, east & south, you would be aggressive in your defense.
This is aviation. Let's stick with the facts. These pilots attempted to land in weather that required at least a category 2, probably a category 3 approach, into an airport that did not have even a basic localizer or glideslope.
matt leo 0
it might be the terrorists
boeing234 0
i think it is sabotosh i ran has been in similar accidents before
Bogush 0
were they trying to land in Smolensk - bad airport, ground workers carry guns and if there should be any survivors they shoot to kill.....
Bad landing. Apparently the pilot made poor judgement calls, and or was not qualified to maybe even fly the plane. Russia AI lacks infrastructure and training. It's obvious. The plane - a very old bucket that has not been maintained properly.
After further review, this particular airplane entered service in 1980. They apparently attempted to land in very low ceiling/visibility without even a basic ILS. Still doesn't sound like anything except CFIT.
Not only did this airplane crash after a botched landing, but the TU-134 entered service in 1967. This was a third-rate airline operating ancient equipment. Sabotage? I doubt it.
John Berry 0
Not that Israel would ever employ assassination but.....
calbert 0
Hummm...what are the chances of this beeing a assination.
El Kabong 0


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