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What happened on that Delta 17 flight?

DL 17 LAX-SYD returns after 2 hours. If anybody has information, that would be great. ( 기타...

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Ev Butler 0
He could have made HNL as quickly. Maybe he did forget his wallet.
Pilot forgot his wallet. It had the tickets to the Opera at the Sydney Opera House in it.
That was on July 30th. 4 months ago!
the width of the pacific ocean was too intimidating, a never ending stretch of black water lol! Why didn't he just go to Hawaii instead of turning back making a 6 hour circle? Waist of $$$! Now he must do it all over again...
Root User 0
A 5 cent light bulb told the pilot he had a $10,000 hardware problem that cost Delta $100,000 to fix. And that's why I don't have my own aircraft ;-)
Dubslow 0
That's the second today for Delta.
Dubslow 0
Wait a minute, that was 5 months ago.


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