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New FlightAware maps -- zoom, pan, and new layers to select!

On the verge of FlightAware's four year launch anniversary, we've just released our latest flight tracking maps that include a variety of new features including zooming, panning, as well as configurable layers such as weather, major airports, etc. ( 기타...

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Oh yes, and the iPhone app would be tops!
Kudos! This is another great advantage of FlightAware.
flyhartf15 0
I'd agree medic2442 I think that would be a great idea. I was thinking the same thing
nbukrey 0
Love the new feature...i have always wanted to be able to zoom into the map.
Coby 0
Very cool! This is something I'd been wishing the site had!
What about an App for the iPhone that can do what you can do on the website. That would be cool.
toke some getting used to with a touchpad notebook mouse but much appreciated...keep it up gang
mayday319 0
ya i noticed its REALLY cool!


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