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Inside the fuel tanks of a 747

A Boeing 747 can carry 48,445 gallons (183,380 liters) of fuel in a labyrinth of tanks so large that people can actually walk and crawl inside them. Can't believe it? Just watch. ( 기타...

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Ken Oden 5
The B-747 has always been an amazing airplane. What a lot of people don't realize is that the horizontal tail has an optional fuel tank that can hold over 22,000 pounds of fuel. This to keep the CG of the airplane a bit aft for the first part of the trip ie. more economical Then the tail fuel automatically transfers to the main feed tanks at a prescribed time at cruise altitude.
Perhaps even more amazing than that is the fuel system on the B-747/400 model is now computer controlled as opposed to the older versions which had a fuel control panel that would make most professional flight engineers weep with joy.
JetMech24 1
The "aux" tank is in the stabs "center box" in the fuselage, not the stabs themselves. Just to clarify for those that are not aware. :)


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