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Nine gliders on one tow plane

(Google Translate from Slovak) 06/11/2006, Sliac airport, air sports club Elected in collaboration with Aeroslovakia Ltd. At the end, air date SAF 2006 broke the world record for towing gliders. Motor Z-plane for 9 137 t retreated glider L-13 Blanik part. ( 기타...

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That was amazing performance
jet4ang 1
I wonder how many feet of runway they needed b4 they became airborne? Looks like a lot more than a Jumbo.
bdarnell 1
Love the soundtrack !
sparkie624 2
Personal Preference.... I just forwarded the video out to some friends and told them to turn the volume down...
Found this to be rather unique. I didn't think a single tow plane could pull 9 sail planes like that. Guess I learned something new!
Wow, amazing...amazingly nuts! I can think of 300 different ways this could have gone real bad. Glad it worked out well.
joel wiley 2
The tow plane looks a bit like the crop duster in calif's Sacramento valley. Pretty tame to what the do over the rice fields at planting time.

You are a braver man than me, Gunga Din
R. Kipling
These guys know what they are doing. Most of the brains for the former communists Russia came from here...same thing back in WW2 with Nazi.
sparkie624 1
That is just too crazy
ruagatr 0
Wow...totally insane. Only in the eastern
Toby Sharp 1
pretty cool.....crazily dangerous


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