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Video Caravan Landing Engine Out

Cessna Caravan making an emergency landing dead stick. Well done sir. ( 기타...

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good job !!!!
Dule K. 2
Bravo!!!! Superb job!!!! That's how a real pilot does it, instead of pilots of certain aircraft (not gonna name it) would immediately rely in the red parachute handle just above them.
JedFR 2
The judgmental spectators were funny, critiquing him the whole way down about how he was going to stall it and then acting like he was awesome the second it touched down. Good job pilot. Shut up foul-mouthed junior high kids at the DZ.
Klemons 1
Sir, you are a Boss
He should have made the jumpers stay in the plane... It is always nice to have someone to scream with you.
Better than SSA! You bet!
I think the pilot was related to Bob Hoover.
When I learned to fly dead stick landings were part of the things that we did. Today they teach pilots to be operators. Sad.

[This poster has been suspended.]

rjb4000 1
Yeah back in my day we hand cranked our car engines to life and we wrote letters with feather and quill… All this automation today is ruining us!
DashTrash 3
They're still part of training. Doesn't mean losing an engine in a single is a non-event.


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