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United - Debuting new uniforms on the runway

Published on May 22, 2013 We revealed our new uniforms today when our crew walked the runway as part of our 25th anniversary celebration at Newark-Liberty's Terminal C. We will begin showing off our new United style starting June 25. ( 기타...

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Put everyone in boilersuits, pilots, cabin crew and ground crew. Simple, comfortable and practical for working in. The military have such clothing for a reason!
Powder blue on flight attentdants is an instant spot magnet - I never travel in that color. With all of the bumps,spilt soda and jossles in that profession? Expect to see a bump in dry cleaning bills.
suz 2
Where are the waist belts with plastic zip-ties for the unruly pax?
How about a leather pouch for handcuffs like the police have?
That looked really uncomfortable
The uniforms look about the same as they did 45 years ago. What United should concentrate on is bringing back the service we enjoyed in the sixties.
Exactly. The uniforms are NOT what they need to work on.


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