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Game of Thrones, nudity and inflight entertainment

In this age of BYO inflight entertainment, what's appropriate for viewing on your own device? ( 기타...

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John Done 1
My Screen, my choice. This is exactly the same argument used by smokers to debase the arguments against passive smoking, "If I want to smoke that's my business",in private that may be an acceptable argument in public it is not. Good citizens always consider others in public that's what makes it works particularly in densely populated areas like aeoplanes where escape is not an option.
If i was going to watch a show like game of thrones on a flight i will make all chances of people seeing my screen hard but it is easy when on a window seat every where else is very hard unless you have on one next to you
Lindsaybkk 1
Never heard of this show, like as if there is not enough nudity on the internet.
Well I don't see a problem for 1st or business class ,economy class maybe & don't you hate it when the screen freezes when they make an announcement :) then it could be a problem:) Well you have smoking & non smoking @restaurants/hotels so guess you could have nudity or no nudity monitors on aircraft :)


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