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CSeries waiting for nice weather for first test flight

MONTREAL — On Dec. 15, 2009, in typical rain-soaked Seattle weather, Boeing Co.’s Dreamliner 787 soared on its long-awaited maiden flight. So why can’t Bombardier Inc.’s CSeries take off in the rain? By choice, actually. FTV1, the CSeries’ first flight-test vehicle, has been painted a gleaming white with blue engines and tailfin. ( 기타...

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High speed taxi testing reaching V1
J L 2
When the 787 took its maiden flight, Boeing was over two years off schedule. On the other hand, Bombardier is only off by about 9 months. They're not feeling the same level of pressure, I'd say. I think they're waiting or sunny weather
I totally agree with J L and (Bombardier) congrats this is a beautiful aicrcraft And I just know that it was build right and that it will eventually be a very good seller to those airlines that care for quality and comfort. Kuddos Moe
J L 1
(Last comment was posted accidentally before I was finished. I should know better than to type comments on my phone!)

When the 787 took its maiden flight, Boeing was over two years off schedule. On the other hand, Bombardier is only off by about 9 months. They're not feeling the same level of pressure, I'd say.

I think they're waiting for sunny weather so they can take nice photos, and so their guests don't have to stand in the rain. The likelihood of decent weather in Montréal, in September, is high. On the other hand, Seattle, in December... you could wait until June for a sunny day. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a little about Seattle's weather.
that plane will fly in rain some day right ? so what't the problem ?
Photo ops I guess


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