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Plane parts rain down on West Seattle

Neighbors in West Seattle's Gatewood neighborhood say first they heard a small plane fly overhead -- and next they heard plane parts ricochet off their roof tops and into their yards. After showing the parts to aviation expert Spence Campbell, he thinks they came from a window that fell off the plane mid-flight. He's also convinced the pilot knew. A spokesman for the FAA says, by law, the pilot should have immediately reported the incident, but so far nobody has. ( 기타...

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bbabis 1
I disagree with the FAA spookman that this needs to be reported. It does not fall under the "incidents" that must be reported. Some small planes routinely fly with windows open. One could come off and the pilot might not immediately notice. If and when he/she did notice, then check to make sure no one was hurt, get a new window, and KEEP QUIET!
"7-6-2. a. Occurrences Requiring Notification" lists the things that require reporting and I don't think any of those really apply in this case:
A window? Come on, now. How could the pilot be reasonably expected to know about that :) if it was an aileron or an elevator, then he might have found out at some point.
Between fingerprints on the window, aircraft ID (and thus max range) and list of that type AC within that range radius on that day.....This case will be closed shortly.
bbabis 1
You watch too much CIS Gary.
Or CSI, perhaps?
None of what I posted will take place since there were no apparent injuries.
But if a bystandard were struck and think it wuld remain an 'Unsolved Mystery'??
bbabis 1
I guess that shows that I don't watch those shows. Anyway, if someone were killed, it would qualify as an accident and must be reported. It would only be unsolved if the pilot did not come forward.

Good luck on your flying Gary. Hope it always remains safe and enjoyable.
"It would only be unsolved if the pilot did not come forward."
Uhhhhh......Say again?
So you're implying that crimes that are solved are only solved because the 'perpetrator' came forward?!
Wow - You live is an very misdeed-tempted but genuinely honest society. Cuz around most of the rest of us.....Those nasty criminals don't usually turn themselves in after they've done no good.....and chances are, they're still caught.

Good luck too you too, Bill. Property values must be high where you live.

.....back to our normally occurring aviation related thread.....
bbabis 1
Step away from the TV. A perp is not involved here. It is not a criminal act to have something break off your plane and fall to the ground. If it injures or kills somebody, then it is a terrible accident and tragedy. Almost all aircraft insurance policies would cover this under liability but the pilot would most likely still need to come forward. I myself would but others might not. In the above case, nothing happened but a news story so I say "no harm no foul" and the involved pilot better double check on how their aircraft is being maintained!

From your lips to God's ear on the property values.


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