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We Need a Just Culture at JFK

A controller's son was allowed to key the mic at JFK the other week and repeat instructions to departing aircraft. There has been much debate about how 'unsafe' this was and what should be done to the controller. The answer may lie in a closer look at the FAA's safety culture . ( 기타...

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We're in agreement Brian, I was just making the point that long extended work weeks take a toll on family time and might have contributed to his lapse(s) in judgement
Visitors - especially children and other immediate family members - have never been prohibited from ATC facilities. The dispute, Gerrit, is over the fact that the children were allowed to go beyond watching daddy and actually got to speak on frequency. It was dumb, but not unsafe or deserving of any real punishment.
Not to condon what happened, but:
I wonder if that controller was "forced" to work endless six day weeks like os many today. Maybe he was only trying to keep in touch with his kids by bringing them too work so they hd sme idea why Dad's never home


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