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Turkish Airlines is looking to order the Airbus A380 or the Boeing 747-8

Turkish Airlines is continuing feasibility work on acquiring either the Airbus A380 or the Boeing 747-8 and possibly the 777X, chairman Hamdi Topcu said. ( 기타...

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If THY has already started making good money using Boeing planes (777-300ERs), they should consider getting a few 747-8s for "immediate" deliver and get in line for deliveries of more 777Xs by 2020.....
Why go for A380s that will be more expensive to operate than having an all Boeing cost- and fuel-efficient fleet?
Alan Winn 1
I agree THY is playing the US and EU card, but buying almost all its long range jets from Boeing... lets see what happens. They might buy a few A380s, and mostly 777Xs or go for a 747-8 and 777X mix.. I know they love the 777s they have now.
Turkish Airlines has to walk a fine line to avoid untoward glances from other EU countries that use Airbus planes for jingoistic reasons. That's why they buy smaller planes from EADS.

It should be some comfort to them that they can buy long haul aircraft that make money and passengers want to fly.

If they do buy an Airbus Super, California is ready to help. There is more than adequate parking in Mojave for the world-wide A380 fleet.


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