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Debate: do we still need DUAT(S)?

A number of rumors (some backed up by the companies involved) suggest that DUAT(S) may be on the chopping block. ( 기타...

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Im working on my private and my instructor taught us about these today.Kind of ironic eh?
Foreflight uses Duats in order to file domestic flight plans. I use it regularly to file my IFR flights.
As long as there are no planes flying in the dozen's of area's I've visited with little cell phone service and even less Internet service, I don't think we need Duats. But the assumption that every pilot will have Internet or cell service at all times is not currently valid.
??? So we don't need duats as there are plenty of free services.
I guess the FAA is looking to save money, but so many services are using it as a basis for their service. If it goes away, what happens. It's kinda funny but you see the same thing happening with the NWS. Everybody talks about getting rid of it because of all the other stuff out there such as the Weather channel and the local radar maps like weather underground. People fail to realize that they use NWS as their base, just dressing up the map a little. What happens if it goes away?
I just didn't get what she was saying in first sentence.
If it goes away I would bet someone fills the void. Doubt it gets cut given track record on budget cuts. Lol
It could go away and someone would probably fill the void. My bet is that it wouldn't be free though as the new service would have a cost involved to provide the service rather than getting it free as they are now. Nothing is free, not even now. It may be free to the user but you notice all the ads to the side now. There is a revenue stream from somewhere.
No free lunch, as they say. Most people using this service probably pay or have paid more than their fair share of taxes though.
Got to be budget though. It's kinda one of them "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" deals. Doesn't seem to be any external source calling for it.


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