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A-10s will support war against ISIS

The plane, also known as the "Warthog,” provides close air support for ground troops. The A-10 fighter squadron arrived in Southwest Asia between Nov. 17 and 21 with "several" jets. ( 기타...

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The ISIS scum will learn pretty quickly to scurry back into their ratholes when a pair of A10s are patrolling the area - just like the cockroaches and fleas they share their beds with.
For effect per dollar spent probably the best bargain the US government ever got.
"Getcha some of this ".
let's show those politicians the king of Hurt the Hog is able to unleash.. forget the F35 or even 22s
chalet 1
And the F-15s, F-16s and F-18s, great planes but for some other engagements
bbabis 0
'bout time! Turn 'em loose.
canuck44 7
Now if they are given ROE's that do not include a need to consult DOD attorneys or political commissars before shooting a target plus a few Special Forces Ground Controllers, they could have a great turkey shoot just in time for Thanksgiving.


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