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Air Canada shifts domestic routes to low-cost carrier Rouge

Air Canada Rouge will fly domestically for the first time next summer as Air Canada restructures its routes to take advantage of the lower-cost carrier. New seasonal routes will be launched between Calgary and Halifax, while Rouge also takes over routes from Toronto to Kelowna, B.C. and to Sydney, N.S. ( 기타...

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Air Canada is morphing into Ryanair, what's next, pay toilets?
I got Rouged once to Sarasota, never again, I fly Delta instead. Cramped old planes that never seen a good cleaning and flight staff barely out of high school
I am only hearing negative comments about Rouge,,, like cramped planes and very poor food
Unbelievable, as a business user I will eject that option as I travel. Their plane seating configuration is brutal. They make Southwest and Continental look like full service airlines.
They are fuller service


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