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C206 from Japan to KYNG

A possible glitch with FlightAware brings some puzzling specs to this flight plan data. ( 기타...

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And it only took one hour and 32 minutes... nice ride.
Origin was probably the SHELBYVILLE VORTAC in SHELBYVILLE, IN, code SHB.
Japan to Indiana in a 206 is a possible flight (possible, not desirable). Note that the time in F/A indicates arrival a day earlier (shown as a negative 1) because he apparently crossed the international date line. Back in the day I had a friend who ferried Piper single-engine a/c from Lakeland,FL to Australia for Globe Aero. Stripped out all the interior bits and loaded "ferry tanks" which were essentially 20 or 30-gallon drums plumed to pump into the regular tanks on demand. Routed from Florida to California, then up to Alaska and along the Aleution chain of islands, followed by a "hop" to Japan, followed then by endless island hopping to Australia. At 120/130-ish, it must have felt like f o r e v e r. A good way to build time, I guess, and all you really need is a cast-iron butt and a large box of no-doze.
I guess the negative 1 could mean a lost hour due to passing a timezone. In which case its all just somebody's relatively minor screw-up.


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