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Honduras To Build New, Safer Airport

Honduras will build a new USD$163 million airport designed to improve on the poor safety record of the existing airport in the capital city, Tegucigalpa. The project will be led by a consortium of local firm Inversiones EMCO and Flughafen Munchen, the operator of Germany's Munich Airport, which will invest USD$87 million and receive a 30-year concession. The rest of the money will come from the Honduran government and a Spanish cooperation fund. ( 기타...

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now the final approach isn't "fly toward mountain, turn left"
I'm gonna miss the videos of landings over the hills.
Long overdue. Money issues.
chalet 2
$163 million will hardly cover the cost of constructing a single runway. Wyy don't they upgrade the Palmerola Air Base with a reazonable terminal, the runway there is good enough for C-5s that used to come in all th time.
Chalet is right. With $163 million they will do nothing worth while. Just a waste of money.
Like so many Govt's they will piss it all away in cost overruns and corruption. Later the taxpayers will get handed a bill they could never afford in the first place. Like Puerto Rico for the last several decades of spending more than they receive.


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