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Chinese teen hides in hold for nine-hour flight to Dubai

A Chinese teenager hid in the cargo hold of an Emirates airliner during a nine-hour flight to Dubai where he hoped to make a fortune, describing the journey as "comfortable", reports said Wednesday. The 16-year-old stowaway was found after the flight from Shanghai landed in Dubai on Friday, the English-language daily 7Days reported citing police. ( 기타...

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In my vision, this type of event reveals how vulnerable security issue is in an airport enviroment. How come a kid goes through all security aparatus without anyone's perception? A terrorist could easily be that boy. Wake up folks!
I think we are awake. How about the security staff at Shanghai?
Smart enough to skip the wheel well.
TM Zhong 1
Marxism tells us that anything with 300% profitable expectation would drive people to action at the risk of their lives.
iflyfsx 3
Not sure about the restroom or food situation, but think about the legroom!
Maybe it's time to book a flight in the cargo hold instead.
Probably more comfortable than coach class on most US carriers. Sigh.
Considering the population in China the cargo hold (lucky chose the pressurised one) the trip must have been awesome. I hpe they check the hold for pee.


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