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Is your passport valid? British Airways and other airlines need to start following EU rules

“UK passports are valid for travel anywhere in the EU up to and including the expiry date. Airlines should know this.” That was what I tweeted on Monday morning, following yet another case in which passengers with valid UK passports were wrongly and distressingly turned away from their flight to Prague. Once again, British Airways staff insisted, incorrectly, that they needed three months’ validity on their passports for travel to the Czech capital. ( 기타...

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Air travel has become such a joy... what ? ah yes we are so well protected now from terrorists!
Yes, Colin is correct. Citizens of the U.K. only need a passport valid for their intended period of stay in the USA. The six month requirement is no longer applicable.
For travel to the USA, the list of countries exempted from the 6 month rule can be downloaded here:
Most pax on US or CA passports must have six months remaining validity on them in order to fly just about anywhere. When BREXIT finally takes hold, the Brits will be held to the same requirements as inn North America.


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