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Russian Antonov An-12 loses its $368 million cargo of silver, platinum and diamonds on takeoff from Yakutsk airport

The plane with ten tons of silver, platinum and diamonds lost part of its cargo after taking off from Yakutsk airport today. The Nimbus Airlines Antonov An-12 cargo suffered problems during takeoff. Part of the cargo fell out of the hold all over the runway. The plane then dropped some bars of silver as far as 26 kilometres from the airport. ( 기타...

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Ha ha - suspicious much! Gold and silver, not cheap wine or vodka...those sneaky Russians.
A few pictures and even video:
Some people will be shot.
Cansojr 1
They still are!
cos3asg 4
And, just to toss my own thought in, I'll put a wager out there that vodka was involved, too!!
All we have to realize is that they are Russians that's all.
Gee that doesn't sound suspicious at all!!
Why would anyone send such valuable cargo on a single airplane?

Oh, I see they are Russians. All the intelligent people are intefering with American elections.
Im sure it’s being returned as we speak.
Meanwhile the local mob leader is really pissed and shot someone.
Cansojr 1
No one dropped out of a plane yet?
What an expensive problem.
This is as funny as it gets. Any freight dog knows there are wing bend, max floor, max takeoff weight limitations and they get exceeded regularly and bigly on occasion. The funny part is this time it wasn't dog food, oil field equipment ,or sacks of potatoes. That's what has been happenin since it was built "at least" before 1973! Wish they had been over my house. Can you say structural failure?
Cansojr 1
Or a very clever conspiracy...just be in your bomb shelter once all those silver
raisins and peanuts pound your house to dust.


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