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Mandatory inspection on Trent 1000 engines forces ANA to cancel 113 domestic flights

Mandatory inspection on Trent 1000 engines forces ANA to cancel 113 domestic flights ( 기타...

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That is a serious AD - Those blades are buried pretty deep if they need replacing - and capacity to source new replacements is limited.
(Duplicate Squawk Submitted)

ANA to cancel 113 flights due to Trent 1000 inspections on B787

Japanese airline All Nippon Airways (ANA) announced on July 4, 2018, it will cancel 113 domestic flights between July 6 and July 12, 2018, to conduct engine inspections on its Boeing 787 aircraft. The cancellations will affect some 21,000 travelers, according to ANA. How much more of these engine troubles, groundings and flight cancellations can airlines around the globe take?


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