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Two fishermen rescued from sinking fishing boat in North Sea, spotted by Belgian Air Force Agusta A-109 crew

On 5 November, the crew of a Belgian Air Force Agusta A-109 Helicopter noticed fishing vessel Lainey, sinking with two crew on-board approximately 6 miles north-north-west of Wells. The A-109 was on a training mission and discovered the unfortunate, they quickly decided to drop a liferaft into the water and then held position above the casualties to assist location and until the arrival of the U.K. coastguard. ( 기타...

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Thanks latteju that makes sense
latteju 2
Video from the rescue operation here:
No radio ? No flares ? No Beacon ? No Epirb? Sounds like a disaster looking for a place to happen
latteju 2
In this interview, the fisherman tells the boat flipped in 20-30 seconds after being hit by a rogue wave. Probably no time to activate any of those you mention.
That is a COLD sea. I have been on it several times. Spending 20 minutes in the water of the North Sea is torture. Kudos to the Belgian Air Force.
Betty O 4
Great work from all rescuers!
Wow! So lucky.
very lucky indeed....


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