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Video: KLM Boeing 747 and 787 Dreamliner collide during taxi

On 13 February, two KLM Royal Dutch Airlines aircraft – a Boeing 747-400 (PH-BFV) and a Boeing 787 (PH-BHA) – were involved in a push-back incident. There is damage to the winglet of the 747 and to horizontal stabilizer of the 787. ( 기타...

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Is journalism dead? Where did this incident take place? Could not find that anywhere in the article......
dak47922 2

KLM flight KL601, a Boeing 747-400 (PH-BFV) and KLM flight KL623, a Boeing 787-9 (PH-BHA) both suffered damage in a ground contact incident at Amsterdam-Schiphol International Airport.
Photographic evidence and passenger statements suggest that KL623 was stationary on the taxiway after having just been pushed back from gate F8. KL601 was then being pushed back from a gate at concourse E. During this maneuver, the right-hand winglet of KL601 hit the right-hand horizontal stabilizer of the Boeing 787.
Also, during the last crisis lots of experienced KLM ground crews were laid off (me inclusive). Now aviation is expanding, the gaps are filled with temporary workers. Training is done hastilly and this is the result. Its not the fault of the tug driver but of management decissions and poor (cheap) training.
Ground collision between KLM Boeing 747-400 and Dreamliner at Amsterdam
It’s the time of the year, nothing better to report than a wee dent and a broken winglet.


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