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A New Surveillance Tool in U.S. Skies

An Arizona company developing a new type of high-altitude, long-range surveillance platform just completed a 16-day mission during which massive balloons floated over four western U.S. states, all part of an effort to someday keep them aloft for months at a time. World View Enterprises Inc. builds what it calls Stratollites,... ( 기타...

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I don't know, but that is a good question. If you go to WVE's website, it looks like they have other possible uses in mind. So, who knows?
I've seen flying around SE Arizona a couple of times. Pretty interesting. In fact, I have a pic of one of them in my FA gallery here:
Wow that is interesting. Quite magnificent how they keep in the air for so long.
Interesting. I wonder how long that will last, though.


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