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Unruly Russian hockey team kicked off NY flight

CHEEKTOWAGA, N.Y. — An unruly Team Russia has been booted from a flight at the Buffalo airport while trying to get home after winning the gold at the World Junior Hockey Championships. ( 기타...

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loufrankel 0
Is this considered an incident of "Skates on a Plane"?
99NY 0
It's probably better they tried to fly out of Buffalo rather than Toronto. Had they been booted off in Toronto the entire team may never have been seen again. :-0
"Skates on a Plane" funny, no really that is brillant :)
Delta did the right thing
One of the members was vomiting in the "Sky Priority" lane, they were seeming unfit to fly.
They may have won the World Junior Hockey Championships-but their Juniors! They are a group that is under the age of 20yrs, right? Hmmm. What's the drinking age in NY.
klimchuk 0
They probably don't know drinking age even exist
NY drinking age is 21


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