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Air France Buying 60 Airbus A220 Aircraft + Options

July 28, 2019 - by Sylvie Andreau for Air France will announce a firm order of about 60 aircraft type A220. Other purchases are optional. ( 기타...

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France 24 is also reporting this. An interesting aside is the fact that the new CEO of Air France - Ben Smith - is also Canadian. He is the first non-French citizen to head-up Air France
Cansojr 2
Why? The fact that he's Canadian *might* mean he's not prejudiced against the A220, but he's not going to spend that much of his shareholders' money for purely patriotic reasons. There has to be a good business case for the choice. The fact that a major airline thinks so is far more important than which passport the CEO carries.
Cansojr 1
Why are you so angry all the time. Your diatribes have become barely tolerable. Please lighten you discussion. Its getting hard to take.
Cansojr 3
He is not the first Canadian to run a major foreign carrier. For example AMERICAN AIRLINES was run by a Canadian for more than 20 years. Shareholders want an efficient money making fleet of aircraft. Today with a growing global economy a wide range of choices are available to an airline not just Boeing X Y or Z. How that fleet is deployed is the key to the bank and success of the CEO and the carrier.
I never said he wasn't the first. I said that aspect is irrelevant. They bought the aircraft because they decided it meets their needs and the costs/profits equation works for them.

And which "Boeing X Y or Z" was an alternate choice for an A220?
Cansojr 1
Your call...


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