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Boeing Whistleblower Raises Doubts Over 787 Oxygen System

A Boeing whistleblower has claimed that passengers on its 787 Dreamliner could be left without oxygen if the cabin were to suffer a sudden decompression. ( 기타...

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"the aircraft has proved a hit with airlines, and a useful source of profits for the company"

Given the problems with development costs and rollout delays on the 787 program, I question if it is a source yet of profits for Boeing.
The whistleblower can’t be that worried about safety - or surely he would of came out before his retirement... if this was such an issue. Now on retirement with his union pension, jumps on the bandwagon.. hmm. Oxygen generators are tested multiple times before install, and during the lie of the plane - and are replaced at certain intervals too.
And his point is.....??? Boeing 'denies' his 'claims' then developes a 'new' safety program? How long have these a/c been flying? Did a different supplier of bottles not go by specs? Is BBC 'spinning' this story? Maybe I'm not comprehending this article in the right way.


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