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Detroit advances plan to close city airport runway, clear neighborhood

The city is advancing plans for its municipal airport with a focus on clearing out a desolate neighborhood, reopening a long-closed road and decommissioning a runway. ( 기타...

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I think closing City Airport is a mistake, but politicians are great at making mistakes.

I remember when Chicago Meigs Field was shut down in the middle of the night. There were still planes on the tarmac! But I hear the park there that was named after the governor's wife is nice. How about closing Willow Run Airport? It's a lot closer to Detroit Metro, so it closing down wouldn't be a huge issue, would it?
?? Close Willow Run? Detroit has no part of Willow Run, it is run by Wayne County as is Detroit Metro and would be the ones to make any decisions about the airports future.
Sounds like to me some (or all) of the Detcity officials are getting money underneath the table


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