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Air Force begins 'rapid research' to combat commercial drones used by adversaries

The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), Information Directorate, in Rome, N.Y., has a requirement to provide a focused yet flexible, rapid, agile contracting vehicle between the AFRL, its products centers, and the operational community to support rapid research, development, prototyping, demonstration, evaluation, and transition of Counter small Unmanned Aircraft System (C-sUAS) capabilities. ( 기타...

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You mean to tell me that this is the first time the Air Force has considered the possibility that an adversary might use a commercial drone in a tactical manner... May god have mercy on our souls...
The larger threat are small manned aircraft flying around without ADSB. These guys are actually killing people.
and here i thought only rusha had political directorates.
this exposure has been evident for months, and now we read about the air force getting off its duff to work to counteract this threat. Airports have been interupted and closed for a time, aircraft departing or landing hae been subject to harassment by drones, and now the air force awakens to this threat. About time it is... What were they waiting for- spring, or summer, maybe fall or even winter. Well whatever you were delaying over, now get to it please. Be it lasers, kamakazi counter drones, particle beams, even butterfly nets- time to produce .....
Don't bash the USAF for not doing the FAA's job.
Probably waiting on authorization under our government to do something about it. They probably saw the need but couldn't act out of recourse over legal issues. Gone are the days of making a command decision and suffer the consequences later.


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