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First Flight for Dassault Falcon 6X

At 2:45 p.m. local time today, Dassault Aviation test pilots Bruno Ferry and Fabrice Vallette pushed the throttles forward and lifted off on the first flight of Falcon 6X S/N 1 from France’s Bordeaux-Mérignac Airport. The inaugural flight launched the flight test phase of the widebody 6X, Dassault’s newest fly-by-wire flagship. Certification and entry into service are planned for 2022. Ferry—in the left seat—and Vallette logged about two hours and 30 minutes during the flight, testing handling… ( 기타...

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Check your wiring regularly.
That is one sweet bird. I’m going to crank up a tv ministry and get the suckers to buy me one.
nicknamed the Unicorn?...
A unit of a business jet.
Given Dassault's reputation for fine fit and finish, I have no doubt that this aircraft is excellent in all parameters.


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