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Iceland Is Opening Its Borders: Fully Vaccinated Travelers from the US Won’t Need to Quarantine After COVID-19 Exposure

Iceland will this week open its borders to all visitors who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 without mandatory testing or quarantine, as it seeks to attract more tourists to help revive its coronavirus-hit economy. The North Atlantic country, which will become one of the first to open its borders since the beginning of the pandemic, saw tourist numbers plummet by 75% last year to just under half a million, causing its economy to contract by 6.6%. ( 기타...

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Yes Nigel I'm afraid it does. A bird never flew on one wing. However I do not intend to fly 'North'for the Summer. Gimme sunshine lots of it.
What constitutes proof? The current card I have can be easily forged. Does fully vaccinated mean two shots?


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