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737 Cargo ditches near Honolulu

Apparently engine trouble and tried to return, but had to ditch instead. Both pilots rescued. Local Seattle News is calling it a 737-max, but I dont think a cargo variant was made yet. Following. ( 기타...

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Dual engine failures - only real common denominator is fuel or lack of it. Contaminated fuel is very unlikely.
They better dredge that airplane up from the bottom and find out what happened. JT8D's are nearly bullet-proof as long as they receive proper maintenance and care. The insurers and FAA are going to put the squeeze on that airline if it looks like negligence on their part.
Corrosion? Contaminated fuel? Timed-out parts? There are plenty of things they will have to investigate.
Even though it is only in 150' or so of water, the hull broke in half and who knows what damage to the wings/fuel tanks. They may recover the engines but that's about it. There's no guarantee between the impact forces and salt water contamination any potential maintenance negligence reveals itself. And since they lost power in both engines, it almost certainly another type of failure like in the fuel delivery system.
Duplicate. Still amazing story. Wow...
I actually posted before the other guy, but his is more popular
I hate when that happens. But what a story. And VASAviation has the ATC recording, and it sounds like a mess of miscommunication from the beginning. In case you haven't hear it, there were two planes from company in the air at the same time, and getting it all straight took some time out of the chances of landing on a solid surface. They could have potentially made for the airport west earlier, but it is a smaller field.

But all in all, the pilots handled the incident very well, trading off radio duty as necessary. Pilots will be studying this for years about how to handle emergencies.

And thanks for posting. (I was on a blog once where 'everyone' thought that 'someone' would post about an incident, and no one did... Too funny...
Coast Guard supplied infrared video in the link below.
Thanks, interesting. Hope they will wind up ok.


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