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747-8I First flight live coverage

Set for 1:00PM Sunday PST. Watch live above. ( 기타...

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Very nice....but what happened to the B787?? HOW MANY YEARS BEHIND ARE WE NOW?. How long has the A380 been in service? Of course the Boeing is better -It's American !
Bob Booth 0
Makes you proud to be an American and of all the folks at Boeing that made this test flight happen!
Well well well , who would have believed it , Boeing have been accused of receiving $5.3 billion in subsidies from governmental sourses and from other US owned organisations , for the B787 . Why am I not surprised ? . We have been accusing the Europeans of doing exactly the same thing , for years . Oh , what hypocrisy !
By the way , which IS better , the B787 or the A350 , any body know ??
Nice Aircraft
It's all about the money! When Airbus gives them away, they sell more. When they don't give them away, the airlines buy Boeing. On looong flights, I pray more when riding an A340. I much prefer the 777. Getting back on topic, the 747-8 looks much sleeker and cleaner than the dumpy looking A380.
Yeah well you know what.. swimming or walking is better for you.
Yada yada yada , more of the same old garbage , Boeing is better , faster , nicer , whatever , then Airbus . How come then that the airlines world wide are buying both manufacturers products in equal numbers . In the US many airlines use Airbus aircraft , Jet Blue and US Airways spring to mind . In Europe , Air France , British Airways and Lufthansa amongst others , fly many Boeing products .
Maybe some of the less intelligent contributors would prefer that US airlines use only Boeing products and European airlines only Airbus . If this were the case , watch the rate of product development slow right down , to the detriment and expence of us all .
It is also worth keeping in mind , aircraft being made in Brazil and under development in China and Russia . These developments will keep Airbus and Boeing very interested in the future .
michael wu 0
whoops sorry T-33
michael wu 0
Was that A T-80 chase plane?
Zen Bonobo 0
What is the purpose of the drogue like device trailing from the top or the vertical stabilizer?
Most beautiful sight I have ever seen besides my wife.
woops I got the engines mixed up anyways as long as it's a USA design fan that will do me..hahaha
Yeah I know...lost a few nights sleep over that T972 engine on the Qantas. Lets hope the T1000 is sound on this bird. I love the look of this pane.
toolguy105 0
Roland you could be right. If that plane has a serious accident it could spell the end of airbus.
I am so happy to see the great USA take the lead again!!!!
Can think of a few operators that might be lemon sucking after the A388 issues. This one looks right.
toolguy105 0
The one plane I really liked flying in was the DC10. Thanks to some bad engineering, which was fixable, and some very bad accidents, the plane got a reputation it could not recover from. The mechanics were not thrilled with it and having worked on Douglas planes I think I know why.
I have flown in the 747 more often than in most other airplanes and considered it then the best airplane of all. I have no doubt that the 747-8 is even better. God speed to this awesome airplane !
That is one stunning plane. I just loved the angles the videographer got of her rotation. I hope she comes down to Southern California for testing!
I really appreciate your answer, I see some pretty unqualified mudslinging on the net and I probably thought this was more of it. It's a shame there are so few manufacturers these days and it's difficult for any real innovation to shine through the smokescreen of digital technology, I'm intrigued (and quite pleased) to know that there really is a difference.
Actually, I DO have a preference for Boeing and I don't know why, I have always assumed it was an historic thing, I think of them as rugged. I always think of Airbus as stunningly modern, hi tec, efficient and fragile! So I like them but....
Thanks for you comment.
toolguy105 0
Stefan to me it like the difference between people who like Ford's or GM's, never the two meet. I've worked on Boeing, Lockheed and Douglas aircraft and I have to tell you Boeing builds a better aircraft.

I know pilots who have flown both Boeing and Airbus as well as mechanics that work on both. Pilots like stick and rudder control, even if it is fly by wire. Mechanics love working on Boeing planes. Given today's computer modeling I believe it is possible and cost effective to build a plane that pilots love to fly and easy for mechanics to maintain. Boeing must have figured this out.
Weirdly, I can praise Airbus without having a snap at Boeing - awesome! Even more awesome, I like both companies, that's so awesome!!!
toolguy105 0
When I was in the Air Force I worked on Boeing Aircraft and other manufactures. From a mechanics standpoint and that of a passenger, Boeing builds a great airplane. They require very little maintenance other than normal preventative, Pilots love to fly them and passengers rarely if ever complain about their comfort and the planes are beautiful to look at. Of course my first love will always be the 707

Airbus you have along way to come to beat Boeing in these categories.
mark tufts 0
i know matt
That was an awesome video. Would have been nice if we had gotten notice of it sooner so we could have watched live.
mark tufts 0


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